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812 Little Whale Tail 2.5" x 2.5"


Color | White


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812 Little Whale Tail 2.5" x 2.5"




  • Product Description

      Whales-the most massive mammals on the planet! Watching these magnificent beasts in the water is truly awe inspiring.  Their tails are called flukes and when they get ready to do a deep dive they come up to the top for air, arch there massive bodies down to the bottom and dive down. The last thing you see are their tails before they disappear. This whole process is called fluking and we think we captured it with this cute little sticker.
      A good idea for this sticker is to create a "whale family." These Mini sized stickers can represent your kids and the Big Whale Tale (Regular #105) can represent Mom & Dad. This is a creative way to represent your family, whale tail style.
      As always, made in the USA.

  • Product Details
    • Variant: White
    • SKU: 812 White
    • Product Type: Mini
    • Collection: Animals